ESO Uncommon and Rare Fish Guide for Master Angler Wannabes.Alchemy Reagents, Solvents, and Recipes.Fixed an issue where a player you have recently grouped with would not appear in the Recent Players list.Fixed a rare crash related to particle effects.Fixed a rare crash that could happen during UI updates including health changes or Antiquities excavation.Fixed a crash that was prevalent in Trials or within Dragonhold content.
Fixed a crash which could be caused by UI addon interactions when reloading the game UI.
Furnishings - Fixed an issue that could occur with the beams when rotating the “Dwarven Beam Emitter, Medium” furnishing. General - Fixed an issue that could prevent your character from sitting on validly placed chairs at certain locations.
General - Fixed an issue that would cause the “Leave Now” button to not work when a group is disbanded, you're kicked, or everyone leaves. General - Fixed an issue where male High Elf characters were not able to use a deployed Campfire Kit memento or the Boozy Boot emote. General - Fixed an issue where the Circular and Smooth Depth of Field options could blur the sky. Battlegrounds - Fixed an issue where pre-made groups with a very high MMR would occasionally not get into a Battleground. Exclusives such as the vampire and werewolf skill lines will also be available. A weapon, armour, guild, PvP, and racial skill path will also be available to the players. These are Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade, Templar, Warden and Necromancer. All of these classes now have a total of three distinct skill lines. During character customisation, players must choose from one of six classes. In The Elder Scrolls Online, classes can be thought of as pre-made character archetypes. Also read | Xbox Head Phil Spencer Apologizes On Twitter For Xbox Live Gold Pricing Changes